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Risk assessment
in Morocco

Morocco is prone to seismic risk and, recently, the most powerful instrumentally recorded seismic event in the country and the deadliest since the 1960 Agadir earthquake, occurred with a magnitude of approximately 6.8 MW, in September 8, 2023. Initially estimated to have caused 1,000-2,000 fatalities, the death toll has sharply risen, confirming almost 3,000 deaths and over 5,530 injuries. 

CATEGORY | Risk assessment

LOCATION | Morocco

CLIENT | Guy Carpenter, London (UK)

YEAR | 2024

SERVICES | Development of Fragility and Vulnerability models


While contributing to a tailored seismic risk model for the country, RESISK performed the following tasks:

  • Develop numerical models of different building typologies, such as reinforced concrete, masonry, steel and timber buildings, considering different material and geometrical features for each building class, according to data obtained from literature review;

  • Characterise the seismic hazard for six cities in Morocco, namely, Casablanca, Fez, Rabat, Tangier, Marrakech and Agadir; 

  • Derive fragility and vulnerability curves for residential buildings accounting for different sources of uncertainty (e.g., including building-to-building variability, record-to-record variability and modelling uncertainty)

Seismic Risk Assessment - Morocco - Vulnerability models
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